Polo Club Saint-Tropez - Haras de Gassin
1999 Route du Bourrian - 83580 Gassin - France
Tel : +33 (0)4 94 55 22 12
Fax : +33 (0)4 94 56 50 66
SARL POLO CLUB: SIRET : 477 865 539 00019 - Capital Social : 337 000 €
SCA HARAS DE GASSIN: SIRET : 320 401 870 00011 - Capital Social : 11 250 000 €
Responsable de la diffusion : Caroline Merlin
Webmaster : Denis Billo SARL DBC
Design : Caroline Morandi
Hébergement : OVH SAS
2 Rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix - France
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Your data is used for our communication mainly by phone and email.
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The cookies of the site are used only for the navigation of the site, no personal information is recorded in these cookies. Cookies are small files in txt format saved on your computer and read by our server to facilitate navigation in the site.
Mrs Caroline Merlin is responsible for managing your personal data